First Edition - Working papers from CollectivED

The Hub for Mentoring and Coaching is a newly established Research and Practice Centre based in the Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University.

The first issue of CollectivEd Working Papers represents the lived experiences of researchers and practitioners working to support the professional learning and practice development of teachers and other education staff at all stages of their career. Please do read them and use them to provoke your own reflections and action. You won’t agree with them all, but they should make you think. Information about the contributors is provided at the end of this issue, along with an invitation to contribute.

This first issue includes:

  • Is coaching for transformation possible in a culture of performativity? A Research Working Paper by Ruth Whiteside
  • Improving mentoring practices through collaborative conversations. A Thinkpiece Working Paper by Rachel Lofthouse
  • Researching our practice using The Discipline of Noticing. A Practice Insight Working Paper by Daniel Brown
  • From teachers being accountable to taking collective responsibility - using Lesson Study for cultural change. A Practice Insight Working Paper by Colin Lofthouse & Claire King
  • Using thinking environments for emancipatory coaching practice. A Practice Insight Working Paper by Lou Mycroft & Kay Sidebottom
  • Breathing Space; enabling professional learning through alternative staff meetings. A Practice Insight Working Paper by Rebecca Jackson
  • “They just don’t realise how fragile people are.” One teacher’s story of stress and giving up on teaching. A Research Working Paper by Liz Beastall
  • Developing a learning culture in schools. A Practice Insight Working Paper by George Gilchrist
  • What is teacher resilience and how might it be protected and promoted? A Research Working Paper by Dr Ben Greenfield
  • Community capacity building coaching. A Practice Insight Working Paper by Simon Feasey
  • Coaching and mentoring. A Thinkpiece Working Paper by Chris Chivers