Peer Coaching

This course is designed to help teachers engage in rigorous, collaborative conversations focused on improving teaching practice. Developed jointly with the Instructional Coaching Group, this course introduces a reciprocal collaborative cycle of coaching conversations that are based on the principles of partnership and trust. Classroom video is used, as one way of capturing the ‘reality’ of what is happening, to enhance the process by helping teachers to identify and monitor progress towards student-centred professional learning goals.

Getting Started
12 Learning Hours
  • A clear understanding of how peers can work in partnership to improve their teaching practice
  • An appreciation of the power of video as a tool for reflection and learning
  • Teachers feel confident and competent using video as a tool for professional learning 
  • Develop coaching skills and a process to support quality learning conversations about teacher practice and student learning
  • Enhanced peer-peer collaboration
  • A structured approach to supporting implementation of peer coaching in sustainable ways 

$890 (+ GST)

This price is for an individual registering on an open-enrolment course.

Savings are available for organisations who wish to run this course for an in-house group.

Please email to request a quote or discuss this further.

About Peer Coaching

This course is designed to help teachers engage in rigorous, collaborative conversations focused on improving teachers’ practice. Classroom video is used, as one way of capturing ‘reality’, to enhance the process by helping teachers to identify and monitor progress towards student-centred professional learning goals.

While coaching is recognised as one of the most important and essential means for improving professional practice, not all schools have the resources for instructional coaches or leaders to work directly with all teachers in an ongoing way. 

This course is designed to introduce coaching skills to all teaching staff so that they can work collaboratively with one another. The fact that coaching conversations can involve reflecting on videos of teaching practice, helps to ground goals in reality and keeps the process non-evaluative, rigorous and safe.

We recommend this hybrid version to support implementation over time. If you are interested in a two full day version, please contact us.

Module 1 - 90min online introductory workshop

  1. What is Coaching?
  2. What distinguishes Peer Coaching?
  3. Set up for in-school preparation and practice (recording video)

Module 2 - In-school preparation and practice

  1. Record a short video of yourself teaching, which will be used in Module 3
  2. Practice a GROWTH coaching conversation with a colleague at your school

Module 3 - 1-day workshop

  1. Revisit coaching and peer coaching
  2. How do teachers get a clear picture of reality in their classrooms? Exploration of the use of video
  3. How do peer coaches partner with teachers to identify goals and improve practice?
  4. How do we make peer coaching a sustainable professional learning practice throughout the school?

Module 4 - 90min online follow-up workshop

  1. Solutions-focused review of implementation process
  2. Implementation support and deep dive into peer coaching skills (extension)
Learning Design

At GCI, we believe that we act our way into learning rather than learn our way into acting. With this principle in mind, all of our courses have a strong emphasis on practice.

GCI courses are designed by educators for educators with a commitment to interactive and engaging learning experiences delivered by skilled facilitators with extensive experience in education.

When we are engaged in praxis we are reflecting in action – taking what we are learning and applying it in real-life situations. Our in-person and online courses enable praxis through a ‘coaching approach’ to facilitation combined with a range of thoughtfully designed adult learning experiences including:

  • individual and group reflection activities
  • co-operative learning tasks
  • practise opportunities using real workplace scenarios
  • modelling
  • observation and feedback
  • debrief sessions

The spaced learning design built into the Video Peer Coaching course provides the opportunity for participants to apply skills and techniques in their context between sessions.

The Peer Coaching course is available in a range of delivery patterns:

  • Hybrid option with one full-day in-person and remainder online
  • Two full-days spaced (in-person or online)


Upon completion of a survey after your workshop you will receive a GCI certificate of participation.


$890 (+ GST)

This price is for an individual registering on an open-enrolment course.

Savings are available for organisations who wish to run this course for an in-house group.

Please email to request a quote or discuss this further.

Register for upcoming Peer Coaching workshops
Register your Interest

This course is only being offered to in-house groups. If you are interested in running this course for your organisation or network please complete the form and a GCI staff member will be in contact.

Please complete the enquiry form to register your interest.

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